For Time To Talk Day, Mark shares his story of finding hope again after facing very hard times thanks to the support of his Mary Frances Trust (MFT) Co-Ordinator. With a renewed sense of worth, he is now volunteering for MFT using his lived experience to support others through their own journey.
Mark writes:
“Hi, my name is Mark and I’m a client and lived experience volunteer for Mary Frances Trust. This is my journey.
I’m actually surprised I’m writing this because I’m no-one special so why would anyone want to read anything about me? To be honest if it wasn’t for my MFT Co-ordinator Kate, giving me the confidence to write this, I don’t think I would have.
I had reached out for help a few times and haven’t really had the greatest of experiences with the help I was given so I didn’t really think much when I left a message with MFT. It wasn’t very long after that I got a call from Kate. She told me all about MFT and asked if I was happy for her to be my coordinator, which I agreed to because of the way she spoke to me, listened to what I was saying, her kindness, respect and the patience she had with me when I was spiralling down. I thought everything and everyone was against me and I had no sense of worth.
She made another phone appointment because I wasn’t ready for one-to-one or face-to-face group sessions. Kate was very understanding and really listened to what I was saying, which is so empowering. She arranged for me to go on online group sessions run by MFT.
I had to fight my head to join the first group session, I was telling myself “nothing works, why am I bothering, I’m never gonna be better, I’m a waste of time, everyone will hate me.” But I’m so glad I did, the other clients were completely different to me but I understood them and they got what I was saying, the facilitators were awesome, caring and listened (it’s hard to find real listeners!). I carried on going to the groups, they actually made me feel good about myself. The phone appointments carried on with Kate and she saw something in me no-one else had before. She said I would make a good volunteer because I understood people and sometimes have the right words to say.
So now I co-facilitate online groups and have helped with co-producing the “Let’s Talk” online programme. I have met so many lovely people in the groups. Co-facilitating has been the best medicine for my own mental health recovery journey, so much so that I am now applying for jobs thanks to MFT, to my coordinator Kate and the confidence she gave me.
A very huge thanks to Kate and MFT for giving me back the feeling of worth 😊”
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