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How We HelpSUN (Service User Network)
  • SUN (Service User Network)

  • A community-based peer support service for people experiencing difficulties with complex emotions that affect how they feel, cope with life and manage relationships.

  • What is SUN?

    Our SUN service is:

    • open-access, community-based peer support with lifetime membership; there is no time limit on membership and no expectations of attendance frequency – members are free to attend as much as they find helpful.
    • done within a group setting (there is no “one-to-one” time), the groups are peer-led and members will be encouraged to decide on how to make use of the space together. Currently taking place online, with a group maximum of 7 people; however, once social distancing guidelines allow, the groups will be held in community venues across Surrey and North East Hampshire.
    • based on therapeutic community principles, using cognitive and psychodynamic theory. It is therapeutic in nature but is not a therapy group.
    • supported by two facilitators, one of whom is a peer support worker with lived experience, and one of whom is a registered clinician.
    • delivered by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) in partnership with Community Connections Surrey (which MFT is lead provider of).

    Find out more

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  • Who is it for?

    Our service is available to:

    • people aged 18 and above, registered with a GP in Surrey or the Rushmoor & Hart boroughs of Hampshire.
    • people with difficulties commonly associated with personality disorder. However, people do not need to have a formal diagnosis of personality disorder or be using any other mental health services to attend SUN.

    Read more on Personality Disorders

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  • How SUN could help

    The benefits of the SUN group are:

    • a sense of belongingness, connection and inclusion
    • having a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings
    • validation from shared experiences
    • learning from each other’s life experiences
    • developing an understanding of how they relate to themselves and others, and how others may relate to them
    • learning different ways of dealing with difficult situations
    • developing an understanding of their thoughts and emotions, so they can process and deal with them instead of feeling controlled by them
    • developing confidence and self-worth

    To find out more about how SUN works, you can join our SUN Virtual Events happening on the first Thursday of every month at 11.30am-12.30pm. It is open to prospective members and professionals alike. To book your place, please contact

    Alternatively, you can watch the recorded SUN Virtual Event presentation below.

    Watch SUN Virtual Event Video

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  • How to register

  • SUN is self-referral, so if you’re interested or know anyone who could benefit from SUN, please contact the SUN admin for a Welcome Pack. This includes registration details and further information about the SUN group.

  • Get in touch

  • Please get in touch if you have any further questions, would like more information or would like to refer yourself by calling 01372 216 700 or emailing: