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Support UsOur Corporate Offer
  • Our Corporate Offer

    A Labour Force Survey found that 15.4 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression and anxiety in 2017/18.

    We believe that employees who have the tools they need to maintain their mental health and emotional wellbeing in the workplace are not only happier and healthier, but much better able to manage their day-to-day work and personal responsibilities.

    We work with employers to deliver mental health awareness courses for managers as well as work/life balance and stress management workshops for staff. We also offer physical activities such as lunch time health walks, mindfulness and yoga classes customised for the needs of your workforce.

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  • How you can get involved as a business

    We rely on, and always appreciate, help from our local business community so we can support as many people as possible with their mental wellbeing. If you’d like to support us, you could:
    • Make a single or monthly donation to us via our fundraising platform.
    • Set up your own employee fundraising event or team building exercise – maybe a sponsored walk, quiz night, cake sale or dinner party with a donation, etc.
    • Name us as your charity of the year and encourage your staff to take part in challenge events to benefit our charity or to volunteer their time to attend and support some of our events.
    • Offer services for free, such as printing, leaflet distribution, design work, free social media advertising, business advice, or invite us to a networking event.
    • Choose us to deliver a mental health and wellbeing programme in your workplace (mental health awareness training, suicide awareness training, mental health first aid, yoga classes, meditation classes, wellbeing walks, wellbeing workshops, etc).
    • Spread the word about what we do with your entourage.
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  • If you would like to hear more about how we work with local businesses, please contact Biba, our Fundraising Officer, on 07877 846392 or at