The Wellbeing Hour was back on Monday 6 September 2021 at 9pm on Surrey Hills Community Radio, with Taryn as our host, for its final edition!
This month, we dedicated our show to suicide prevention ahead of World Suicide Prevention Week on 6-10 September. Whilst it is a sensitive topic which may be unsettling to some, we very much approach it from a place of hope where recovery is possible. As a mental health charity, we also felt that it was our role to open up conversations about suicide to raise awareness of the support available and destigmatise it.
On the show, we spoke to:
We also gave advice on where to find help if you or a loved one is feeling suicidal or vulnerable, as well as advertised the upcoming Epsom Mental Health and Wellbeing Festival on 9-16 October.
To listen to the show again, click on the link below:
Sadly, our September show was our last one, as we have been unable to secure funding to pay for a part-time producer role to continue working on the show. We have tried to produce it in-house with the help of our facilitators, clients and volunteers up till now but it is proving too resource-intensive and isn’t sustainable over the long term, so we have had to make the difficult decision to end the show. We’re exploring other ways to share your stories in audio or video format, as we recognise the important role the show has played in educating people about mental health and breaking stigma. So we hope to be back in some shape or form – watch this space!
We hope you have enjoyed our show as much as we’ve enjoyed making it! We’d like to thank again everyone who has contributed to the show in one way or another and to thank Surrey Hills Community Radio for giving us this incredible opportunity. It has been brilliant to come together as a group and to create something so unique and powerful from scratch. We’re incredibly proud of what we have achieved and of all the stories we’ve shared, which we hope have inspired many to open up about mental health and seek support. A particular thank you to Litsa and Taryn who have been pillars of the project, as well as our regular group members and our editors Alysson and Clive.