We’ve recently launched a new Craft Project with Diana Ching who will set a series of creative projects every Thursday on our website and social media to give you ideas of things you can work on at home to build your own piece of art over a period of weeks.
Affirmation Cards
Here’s a nice little project that you can make as simple or as complex as you like. Affirmation cards act as useful prompts. The idea is to pick one at random whenever we want to, to give us a little activity for the day, remind us to take a positive attitude, or just give us something to think about…
You can make as many or as few cards as you like. Because they’re small, they’re quick and easy to make. You could make a set of seven, so one for every day of the week, but don’t stop there if you enjoy the process, the more the better! You could make a set for a friend as well – wrap the cards in tissue paper and tie with a ribbon for a lovely little gift.
As in our previous projects, you won’t need specialist materials – just some lightweight card (plain or lightly decorated. The back of old greetings cards is fine), small pictures from magazines or old greetings cards, scissors and glue.
Start by deciding what size you want your cards to be. The ones pictured are approx 3” wide by 4” high, but you can make them bigger or smaller, of course. Cut out a few at a time.
Look at your magazines and birthday cards and pick out some images that appeal to you. They can be anything, as long as you can associate the image with a positive affirmation of some kind. Spend a bit of time doing this to choose some really nice images that will work.
Then, simply stick your chosen images onto the cards – top, bottom or centre, it doesn’t matter, as long as you leave some space to add a few words. In the example pictured, the affirmations are handwritten, but you could also cut out text from magazines and glue that on. You can make the cards as simple or decorative as you like!
You may find that once you start making these, you come up with lots of ideas for affirmations. In the examples pictured, we have:
Get a good night’s sleep!
Recall the innocence of youth
Plant some bulbs for Spring
Send a card to a friend
Play some beautiful music
Cuddle someone you love
Give thanks for your home
You’ll have lots more of your own. What about bake a cake, call a neighbour, paint your nails… the list is endless, as long as they are all positive!
Have fun with this and let’s see what you can do!
I look forward to seeing the results on this post – and please also say if you have any questions about the project or if anything is unclear by contacting Connie at MFT – connie@maryfrancestrust.org.uk and she’ll pass on your questions to me!
You can also share your thoughts/requests for future projects, as this is all about what you’d like to do! Do send photos of your creations to Connie but please mention whether you give MFT permission to share them on social media and whether they can mention your first name or if you prefer to stay anonymous. Thank you!