Unfortunately, not everyone understands mental health. Some people may have misconceptions about what certain diagnoses mean. They may also use language that is dismissive, offensive or hurtful. They may act in a way that makes you feel isolated or targeted. This can be very upsetting – especially if this person is a family member, colleague or a healthcare professional. Films sometimes portray negative images of mental illness which can stick to our collective psyche and are hard to shake. And some people, as a result of all this, will feel too ashamed to seek help when they really need it. This is called mental health stigma. The good news is, we can tackle it by educating people about mental health, opening up important conversations and sharing stories of hope. This is what the Time to Change Surrey campaign commissioned by Surrey County Council – Public Health is all about!
Mary Frances Trust already works hard to give people with mental health issues a voice, so they can change the narrative. This is why we share blogs, this is why we launched our Men’s Wellbeing Matters campaign, this is why we host our own radio show where everyone is invited to share their stories. And this is why we’re really excited to join forces with Catalyst and Acting Out Productions to lead the new Time to Change campaign in Surrey so we can drive the anti-stigma agenda even further!
So whether you live with mental health issues, care for someone who does, are an employer, educator, working or studying, in local government, health and social care, primary care; wherever you are, whoever you are, you are warmly invited to the online launch event of the new Time to Change Surrey campaign on Monday 21 June from 11.30am until 2pm.
Join us, meet the partnership, hear the latest on how the pandemic has impacted our mental wellbeing, hear some real stories, enjoy a little drama, have your say and find out how you can get involved in the campaign at our online event.